The only program designed to save your dispatcher in as little as 12 weeks.
Dr. Kelly R. Rasmussen's
Save your Dispatcher! Coaching Program

Retention in a dispatch center can be a MAJOR challenge. Let Dr. Kelly help you keep the staff you have, rather going through the whole process of replacing an already trained person. You already know they can do the job. You never know how many replacements you will hire before you find a successful one.
This program is designed to help you keep your skilled dispatch staff!
Close your eyes and…
…Imagine you could arrive at work and your most disgruntled, negative dispatcher, was a pleasure to work with and was looked up to as a leader.
…Imagine that dispatcher offering to help you solve problems in the center instead of filing grievance after grievance.
…Imagine that dispatcher mentoring new dispatchers in a productive, helpful way.
Ok, now open your eyes and come back to me.
Unfortunately, everything you’ve just imagined is pretty far from your current reality.
You dread seeing your “problem” employee.
You wonder what he/she is going to do next and who else he/she will bring down with them.
You are spending so much time making sure you are following the discipline process correctly and not missing anything, that you are neglecting other important areas of your job.
Have you ever felt like…
- You are the only Director/Assistant Director/Supervisor who doesn’t know the secret to keeping your staff motivated and doing the job well?
- You can’t possibly keep your staff motivated. After all, you are only one person!
You can’t keep good staff like the larger agencies can.
If you are nodding your head yes, then I’ve got some news for you (a little bit of bad followed by some really good).
The kind of change you desire is not usually solved with disciplinary action or termination.
You cannot offer the perfect schedule to make your dispatchers happy.
You do not have the ability to pay a higher wage in the hopes of keeping your dispatchers motivated (by the way, that solution does not work long-term)
I have a system to get your dispatchers back on track or out the door by their own choice in as little as 12 weeks.
As a Certified Strategic Intervention Coach (certified by the prestigious Tony Robbins/Chloe Madanes Institute), holder of a PhD in Public Safety with a Specialty in Leadership, and a member of the 911 Community since 1986, I can help you and your staff.
I’m here to help you especially if:
You have a dispatcher who is good at his/her job and is feeling burned out.
You recognize the negative effects the job is having on a dispatcher/supervisor and you want to help them before it gets worse.
I’m here to help you especially if:
You have a dispatcher who is good at his/her job and is feeling burned out.
You recognize the negative effects the job is having on a dispatcher/supervisor and you want to help them before it gets worse.
In the past, you may have hired consultants to diagnose the problems in your center but they did not fix them.
Your staff deserves better. Don’t just tell them what’s wrong and discipline them, give them the tools to change.
You deserve a fully functioning team so you can take care of the other important issues of your career.
You deserve restful time away from the center without worrying about what new grievances or issues will hit you when you walk in the door tomorrow.

And it can all be yours – starting now.
No, I’m not kidding.

Kelly R. Rasmussen, PhD
Management Consultant, Speaker, Author
I’m Dr. Kelly R. Rasmussen and I’ve created and tested a system to help your staff come back to living their potential.
Unlike a lot of people offering to help, I bring real life experience and education to the table. I have BEEN that disgruntled, negative dispatcher in the past and I took a long, hard road to recovery. I have since learned how to help others get on the fast track to success.
Why should you work with me?
I’ve been helping 911 Professionals succeed (officially) since 2006 when I started Success Communications, Inc.
I hold a PhD in Public Safety, with a Specialty in Leadership
I am a certified Strategic Intervention Coach through the prestigious Tony Robbins/Chloe Madanes Institute.
I have a unique way of connecting with people quickly, in order to achieve FAST results
I use my real life experience to show others how to succeed in the 911 Profession long-term and how to overcome the negativity that seems to be inherent to the profession. I overcame the negativity, the alcohol abuse, and the poor decision-making that accompanied my 911 career at times.
If you see all of my current success and assume that I’ve always been successful – let me let you in on something – you’re dead wrong!
Even though I had incredible dispatching skills and leadership skills, I was denied a promotion 3 times.
I kept seeing others succeed who I KNEW were not as good as me. At one time, I was so unhappy, that I sought jobs outside of the industry, just to get out. In hindsight, I’m really happy that the mobile home sales company didn’t hire me!
- My attitude was bad.
- I was incredibly sarcastic (in a hurtful way).
- I didn’t understand why I was not being promoted. After all, I had the skills.
One day, my Director told me that if I went back to school, I could be a Director or Deputy Director anywhere in the state. (As he was turning me down, yet again, for a supervisor position).
Simply put, I was leaving opportunity on the table and I was determined to take action.
I took the hard road because I did not have anyone to guide me. I became overworked and over-tired, trying to do it all.
What difference does a successful coach make?
YEARS! What took me several years to learn, I now teach others in a matter of a few months — how to make the crucial shift in the right direction!
I have launched and tested my signature coaching programs to help your dispatchers and supervisors to turn the corner to success, QUICKLY!
These days, I am able to have a direct, powerful impact on others who want to be successful in the industry but seem to have lost their way.
(I am especially passionate about helping those who used to be passionate about their job. You see, in order to be burned out, you must have been on fire in the past!)
I am here to show the exact steps that I have shared with others to help them achieve success and love their job again.
When I signed on for coaching with Dr. Kelly, I was on a 1-day suspension, my life was crumbling around me, and I felt lost, and out of control of my life.
Dr. Kelly took me by the hand on the initial phone call and believed in me enough for the both of us.
Today, I am in a job I love, have a new vision for my future, and am enjoying a more positive life and job!
~Debbie L., Illinois
"Save Your Dispatcher!"
was created specifically to help those who are worth keeping in your agency. Don’t throw away a good dispatcher just because they are going through a rough time.

Hiring someone new is expensive and timely AND you may have to hire several new people before you find one who can succeed. Before you waste more time and energy with the discipline process and possible termination, give your dispatcher a chance to turn around and thrive in their career.
In just 12 weeks, I can show your dispatcher:
- How to recognize signs that their job may be in jeopardy
- How their attitudes and action are harming them and their career.
- Why changing may be the best option to keep their job
- How they may unknowingly be creating situations that are increasing liability for themselves and your organization
- Most importantly, I can help them navigate their way out of their current situation and turn the corner to better things.
I know you are sick and tired of engaging in battle with your dispatcher on a regular basis.
That feeling stops here. I am going to show your dispatcher how to:
Become a leader in your industry, whether they want to official title of a leader or not.
Chances are, they are already leading people in your agency.
Let’s have them lead in a direction YOU would like for them to go!
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If you are reading this, it’s because you know your dispatcher can succeed. By just being here and learning about this program, you already have the upper-hand on turning things around.
You already recognize you have a problem and now you know there is an alternative solution to discipline and termination.
Imagine how successful your agency will be when you can leverage your people for good. When your people are serving the public effectively and efficiently, your community will have higher regard for you and be more likely to approve or continue your funding when the time comes.
This saves EVERYONE’S job!
While other agencies struggle to keep good people, you’ll be sailing smoothly along. No matter the size of your agency, people stay with an agency or leave an agency because of the people they work with.
This program includes:

12, 45-Minute Private Coaching Calls/Zoom Meetings with Dr. Kelly R. Rasmussen
These calls are confidential and allow your dispatcher to speak freely about their situation. Dr. Kelly uses her Strategic Intervention training to quickly identify the underlying beliefs of your dispatcher that may be causing conflict or struggles on the job and/or personally.

Brief, 15-Minute Calls as Needed
These calls are designed to discuss a challenge or celebrate a success as they are happening so Dr. Kelly can offer immediate support.

Unlimited Email/Text Support as Needed
These are designed to help your dispatcher think before acting.

Team Building Profile
This profile identifies how the dispatcher thinks on a team and how to effectively work with others who may think differently.

6 Human Needs Identifier
We all have 6 basic human needs. This tool helps to identify which of these needs are being met and which ones are being neglected at the moment. With this information, Dr. Kelly can help guide your dispatcher in the right direction to get all of their needs met.

12 Weekly Coaching Videos Addressing Common Dispatcher Struggles
Each week, a new short video will be released that identifies a common dispatcher struggle and offers a way to combat the struggle.

Director Vance J. Stringham
Roscommon County Central Dispatch
“Dr. Kelly has the experience, tact, and a special skill set to connect and bring real and positive change to people. I have personally benefited from her career coaching helping build the bridges from my own experiences to the next level of leadership. Since reaching that next level I have also called upon Dr. Kelly to connect with employees who want more out of their career or have started down a spiraling path of burnout and declining performance. In both situations Dr. Kelly shined, building precision connections and pointing them in the right direction. I have witnessed their growth and recovery, firsthand, and Dr. Kelly was the catalyst. I truly cannot speak highly enough and highly recommend Dr. Kelly’s coaching expertise.”
Here’s one thing I wish people would have told me years ago.
“Success only comes to those who take risks and earn it.”
That means your dispatcher must take a risk and try something different in order to succeed. Obviously, if what they are doing currently was working, you wouldn’t be here.
Your dispatcher deserves so much more than they are getting:
- They have dedicated their life to saving lives.
- They have given up family time.
- They have given up holidays.
- They have been exposed to excessive stress.
- Their home life is probably being affected by what is happening at work.
***I want to be fully transparent and let you know that spots in the program are limited because I truly care. Unlike some coaches, I answer every text and email, every day in order to support your dispatcher in both successes and challenges.
Wouldn’t you love to get your dispatcher the confidential, qualified support they need in order to excel in their career?
Wouldn’t it be awesome if they could become better problem solvers without filing grievances or starting chaos and dissatisfaction among other dispatchers?
Wouldn’t you be able to breathe easier if you knew someone was connecting and making a visible difference in your tough dispatcher’s life?

Each month, for 3 months, I will be working with your dispatcher to help them save their job and excel in their career by:
- Having weekly one-on-one phone or zoom calls with them and assigning homework to be completed between calls.
- Emailing and/or texting with them to offer additional support and guidance as needed.
- Using my education and 911 experience to connect with them quickly and help them to work within the governmental 911 System.
Right now, you’ve got two choices:
Choice One
You can head off into the wilderness and attempt to handle things on your own.
Choice Two
You can access my tested, proven program to help your dispatcher thrive as a 911 Professional in your agency.
Sign up today!
12-Week Program
12, 45-Minute Private Coaching Calls with Dr. Kelly R. Rasmussen
Brief, 15-Minute Calls as Needed
Unlimited Email/Text Support as Needed
Team Building Profile
6 Human Needs Identifier
12 Weekly Coaching Videos Addressing Common Dispatcher Struggles
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Spots fill up quickly and there are limited seats available.